Job Detail


Date Posted: Aug 29, 2022
Views: 3735

Job Detail

  • Location:
  • Type:
  • Shift:
    First Shift (Morning)
  • Career Level:
    Entry Level Staff
  • Positions:
  • Vacancy number:
  • Experience:
    2 Year
  • Gender:
  • Salary:
    As per Company salary scale
  • Degree:
  • Apply Before:
    Sep 08, 2022

About Concern Worldwide- Afghanistan

Identity: Concern Worldwide is a non-governmental, international, humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Currently, Concern has been working in Afghanistan since 1998, when it responded to an earthquake disaster in Takhar province.  Currently Concern has been working in Takhar and Badakhshan provinces undertaking both emergency response and long term developmental work in the areas of livelihood security, primary education and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.

Job Description

Main Duties & Responsibilities:

وظایف اصلی و مسولیت ها

Mobilization and Capacity building

بسیج سازی و ظرفیت سازی

  • Implementation of CLTS full package through using the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools with all male and female community members of target communities.
  • تطبیق نمودن تمام بسته حفظ الصحه کامل به رهبری جامعه با استفاده نمودن از ابزار ارزیابی مشارکتی دهاتی  به اعضای زنانه و مردانه قریه جات مورد هدف.
  • Establish mutual and good relationship with the Community Development Councils (CDCs) and other influential leaders of the target villages for facilitation of pre-triggering and triggering steps of CLTS.
  • ایجاد روابط خوب و همه جانبه با شورای انکشافی قریه و دیگر متنفذین جامعه بخاطر سهولت آوری شان در مراحل انگیزه دادن یا تریگرینگ و قبل از انگیزه دادن یا پری تریگرینگ در پروسه حفظ الصحه کامل به رهبری جامعه.
  • Facilitate sessions with communities in realizing the negative hygienic and sanitary behaviors replaced with positive ones.
  • دایر نمودن جلسات با جوامع و انگیزه دادن آنها تا اینکه عادات مثبت حفظ الصحه جایگزین عادات بد و منفی  در جامعه گردد.
  • Vigorous follow up from the communities they triggered for building of latrines and realizing the negative hygienic and sanitary behaviors replaced with positive ones.
  • تعقیب و پیگری جدی از قریه جاتی که جهت اعمار مبرز ها انگیزه داده شده اند و اینکه آیا آنها درک نموده اند که عادات مثبت حفظ الصحه جایگزین عادات منفی گردد.   
  • Female CLTS facilitators liaising with female CHWs in establishing and training of Family Health Action Groups (FHAGs) from the mothers having children less than five years age.
  • ارتباط برقرار نمودن تسهیل کنندگان اناث با کارکنان صحی جامعه در دایر نمودن تریننگ ها به گروپ های فعال صحی خانواده به مادرانی که اطفال کمتر از پنج سال دارند.
  • Leading communities in formation of CLTS and FHAGs committees and enabling them to conduct hygiene, water and sanitation education activities at the community level.
  • رهنمایی نمودن جامعه در تاسیس کمیته های حفظ الصحه کامل به رهبری جامعه CLTS و گروپ های فعال صحی خانواده FHAG و توانمند ساختن آنها جهت تطبیق فعالیت های آب  نظافت و حفظ الصحه به سطح جامعه.
  • Conduct community hygiene awareness and sanitary campaigns for building latrines and changing inappropriate hygiene behavior to practices.
  • تطبیق کمپاین آگاهی دهی نظافت و حفظ الصحه جهت اعمار مبرزها و عملی ساختن عادات مناسب حفظ الصحه. 
  • Provide technical advice to the villagers in building and site selection of sanitary latrine.
  • ایجاد توصیه های فنی به قریه داران در انتخاب ساحه مناسب درساخت مبرزهای بهداشتی.
  • Recording day-to-day progress made by villagers in building of latrines in their communities and reporting to his/her supervisor.
  • ثبت ارقام همه روزه توسط قریه داران بابت اعمار مبرز ها در جوامع شان و گزارشدهی آن به ناظران.
  • Assist WASH officer regarding technical aspect of WASH and CLTS project activities.
  • همکاری با مسول آب و حفظ الصحه در ابعاد تخنیکی در فعالیت های پروژه آب و حفظ الصحه WASH و حفظ الصحه کامل به رهبری جامعه CLTS.
  • Assist CLTC and FHAG committees in developing operational work plans for conducting public hygiene campaigns and repair and maintenance of water supply system.
  • همکاری  با کمیته های حفظ الصحه کامل به رهبری جامعه CLTC و گروپ های فعال صحی خانواده FHAG در پلان کاری تطبیقی انکشافی بخاطر تطبیق کمپاین حفظ الصحه و اعمار و نگهداری سیستم آب.
  • Implementing door-to-door visit approach and supervise CLTS and FHAG committee on how to implement the door-to-door approach.
  • ملاقات خانه به خانه و بازدید از کمیته های حفظ الصحه کامل به رهبری جامعه CLTC وگروپ های فعال صحی خانواده FHAGو چگونگی تطبیق بازدید خانه به خانه.
  • Support CLTS, FHAG, Government stakeholders and project team members in conducting internal and external CLTS verification.
  • حمایت نمودن از کمیته های حفظ الصحه کامل به رهبری جامعه CLTS و گروپ های فعال صحی خانواده FHAG شرکای کاری دولتی و اعضای پروژه در تطبیق ارزیابی داخلی و خارجی.
  • Assist the WASH officer, and government delegations in arranging and facilitating ODF verification, certification and declaration ceremonies at the district and community level.
  • همکاری با مسول حفظ الصحه و نمایندگان دولتی در تنظیم و تسهیل ارزیابی حالت رفع حاجت در فضا باز و تصدیق کردن حالت عاری از رفع حاجت در فضای باز و برگزاری محفل به سطح قریه.

Reporting and Monitoring:

  • Develop and submit accurate monthly and weekly work plans and reports to the WASH Project Officer.
  • Monitor WASH infrastructure progress of the MSRP Project.
  • Provide CLTS success stories and photos from special occasions and progresses.
  • Reporting on regular bases to the program officer from the progress made by committee members in CLTS section.
  • Submit accurate monthly, quarterly work plans and reports and share with various matrix stakeholders and ministries.


  • Liaise with relevant government departments, NGO networks at district level.
  • Participate in relevant, district level meetings, and represent Concern.
  • Participate in CLTS and FHAG meeting at the district and community level.
  • Coordinate with local government and other stakeholders for effective delivery of the WASH/CLTS activities.
  • Liaise with M&E officer in updating M&E tools on monthly basses
  •  Liaise with logistic and finance team for all logistical and financial related issues such as SR tracking, updating procurement plan and assuring of on time payments.
  • Ensure government participation in key social events such as trainings, exposure visits, workshops etc. as appropriate.

CHS & Emergency:

  • Concern is committed to the Common Humanitarian Standards (CHS) to ensure accountability to all stakeholders. Concern activities are guided by CHS in all stages both emergency and development projects /programs. In Afghanistan, we have an Accountability framework and therefore any Afghanistan employees are responsible to comply with CHS principles and benchmarks. To give your full support in relation to emergencies when occurring in any area that Concern Afghanistan will give your full support in relation to emergencies when occurring in any area that Concern Afghanistan will respond.

Job Requirements

Qualification & Experience:

  • Diploma/degree in health sciences or in the field of WASH/CLTS from reputable University.
  • At least 2 years’ experience delivering CLTS/ WASH related with national or international NGOs.

Competencies & Skills:

  • Facilitation skills.
  • Community organizing skills.
  • Computer skills preferred (MS Word, Excel, Outlook and Power Point).
  • Dari and English speaking and writing ability.
  • Possess good interpersonal, communication and organizational skills.
  • Ability to work with community members and spend at least 90% of time in the community

Reporting and Communication:

  • Develop and submit accurate monthly work plans and reports to WASH officer.
  • Oral and written communication in Dari and other local languages.
  • Strong documentation skills.
  • Experience using digital devices such as computer and DDG.

Ability to write reports and various correspondence in English language is an advantage.

Skills Required

Submission Guideline:

Applications should be written in English and demonstrate the applicants suitability for the job. A current Curriculum Vita and three referee’s reports should be included in the application. In the first instance, applications should be submitted to Concern World Wide- Afghanistan offices in Taloqan marked to the attention of the Human Resources Department. And / or to any other field offices of Concern in Faizabad, Yawan, , Chahab and Kabul (Shari now, 5th  Street of Qalai Fatullah, connected with Qalai Moosa) or through this email address:

Subject line must be: (# 7010 - WASH CDF) or your application may not be considered. 

Note: The preference will be for local candidates first and they are highly encouraged to apply.

یاد داشت:  ارجحيت نخست به کاندیدان محلی داده میشود و آنها قویآ تشویق میشوند که درخواست نمایند

Closing Date: 8 September 2022

Submission Email:

Job is expired

Company Overview

, Afghanistan

Identity: Concern Worldwide is a non-governmental, international, humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Currently, Concern h... Read More

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