Job Detail

SRH Supervisor (Re Announced)

Date Posted: Sep 24, 2022
Views: 4380

Job Detail

  • Location:
  • Type:
  • Shift:
    First Shift (Morning)
  • Career Level:
    Experienced Professional
  • Positions:
  • Vacancy number:
  • Experience:
    2 Year
  • Gender:
  • Salary:
    As per Company salary scale
  • Degree:
    MD Degree
  • Apply Before:
    Oct 02, 2022

About PU-AMI

PU-AMI (known globally as Première Urgence Internationale, PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. PU-AMI’s teams are committed to support vulnerable communities and populations, those marginalized, hit by conflict, natural disaster or economic downturns. PU-AMI’s main objective is to contribute to reduction in morbidity and mortality, and provide emergency relief to those in immediate need in order to help them regain their dignity.

Afghan mission is the oldest of PUI missions, with the first medical intervention launched in 1979 just after the Soviet troops crossed the country’s borders. PU-AMI teams currently deliver the integrated health care, combined with nutrition, psychosocial support; water, sanitation and hygiene (wash), as well as trauma services. The organization implements projects mainly in eastern parts of the country, and increasingly in the South-East Region. Since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, PU-AMI has also positioned itself as one of the main actors in preparedness and response to the pandemic, implementing health and wash-cantered activities at health facilities and community level in Kabul and beyond.

Globally, PUI provides assistance to around 6 million people in 23 countries and across 5 continents: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, and Europe.

Job Description

General Conditions of Employment: 


The employee shall abide to this job description, his/her employment contract, PU-AMI Afghanistan National Staff Regulations together with its annexes and attachments, as well as any  rules, regulations, internal policy that may be adopted by PU-AMI Afghanistan 


Work relationship روابط کاری  


Work under the responsibility ofتحت مسولیت شخصیکه کار مینماید: Deputy Project Manager 


Supervise اشخاصی را که نظارت میکند: Health Facility Midwives 


In direct cooperation withدر همکاری مستقیم با :  

MHT/ fix HFs midwives and doctors, SRH Senior officer, SRH specialist and all field supervisors, Deputy PMs, PMs, M&E team. 


Responsibilities and particular assignmentsمسؤلیت ها و وظایف مشخص  


SRH supervisor is responsible for overall supervision of mother and child health activities in the MHTs as well as in the fix HFs. 

SRH supervisor will ensure quality of the services through her regular field visits and giving feedback to field staff and reporting to her line manager. 

She is responsible to supervise the planned SRH activities in the selected HFs, to promote institutional deliveries, RMNCH related activities in those health facilities, and provide on the job training to midwives to improve the quality of care for RMNCH services. 

She will assist in the design of curriculum and implementation of trainings for midwives and other staffs related to SRH activities (i.e. MHT midwife and other relevant team members etc.) 

She is also responsible for crosschecking of RMNCH data at Health facilities level to ensure consistency and accuracy. 

Objective 1: to improve quality of the SRH services 


Activities/main duties 

• SRH supervisor will supervise HFs (MHT, HF) regularly as per approved plan by line manager and security focal point. 

• She will ensure that the SRH medical protocols and MoPH policies are respected by medical staff in their daily procedures in OPD (ANC, PNC etc.) and delivery if available.  

• During the visit, she will ensure that infection prevention is respected in daily practice for the MCH units.  

• She will make sure that the patients files linked to SRH are properly filled. 

• To make sure that RUD is respecting in the treatment. 

• To do continue need assessment either for the equipment/tools or for the capacity building of the staff. 

• She will do follow up of planned trainings for SRH staff unit (midwife, doctors etc.). 

• She will support the staff with provision of on-the-job trainings on SRH topics  

• She will make sure that PU-AMI provided kits and equipment are properly used and maintained distributed. 

• She will provide support to HR and program team during the recruitment process of female staff (questions for the test, interview attendance etc.) 

• it is repeated  

• Closely follow up of the health education/ hygiene promotion to the women  and children  

• Closely follow up of the administration of the drugs by midwife to the  women during the ANC and PNC  visits 

• Preparing the presentations to the health facilities midwives as per the supervision/ monitoring findings to improve the quality of the services and to enhance their capacity  


Objective 2: Data collection and follow up 

Activities/main duties 

• She will provide support in the SRH data collection tools designing and the good reporting towards SRH indicators.  

• In partnership with the M&E department, she will ensure the accuracy of data with direct monitoring and supervision. 

• In partnership with the M&E department, she will do follow up of data collection and archiving original copies of the reports on both HF and office level. 

• She will make sure herself on the daily use of data collection’s tools and their proper filling. 

• She will make sure that the collected data after its analysis, showed on the charts monthly wise. Recommendations for improvement will be provided.  

• She will make sure that MCH reports are receiving timely to M&E team. 


Objective 3: Project Supervision and Monitoring 

Activities/main duties 

• SRH supervisor will do regular field supervision and monitoring visits to ensure quality in all the health facilities in Kuna and Nuristan according to the monthly and movement plan.  

• She will update her line manager with the field visit reports and action plans. 

• SRH supervisor will identify challenges in the quality of implementation then she will do their follow up with line manager, SRH specialist, relevant project manager and senior officers 

• She will follow up on the good distribution of cash for transportation for pregnant women at MHT level as per the criteria. 

• She will follow up on referral of PLW by liaising with the referral units (HF) and will ensure the quality of the health care provided. 

• Identify any challenge and problem in term of cash distribution. 

• Ensure the fund is available in the HF level for deserve women 

• During the supervision visit she will do follow up of the dignity kit distribution to the women in PNC phase  

• Follow up of the baby kit distribution with midwife to those women who come for the delivery to the health facilities   

• Focus on the provision of the on-the-job capacity building to the midwives to enhance their capacity about the MNCH   



Objective 4: Coordination, Communication and Reporting 

Activities/main duties 

• SRH supervisor will make sure a good coordination between the HF staff for the better quality of the services.  

• She will timely share information and/or feedback either verbally or written with the relevant team then she will do their regular follow up. 

• She will make a good communication link between the HF and PU-AMI management team (PM, pharmacy, field supervisors etc.). 

• SRH supervisor will organize regular SRH staff meetings for sharing the feedback and attending their routine meetings. 

• She will share HFs needs with the relevant managers. 



Job Requirements

Qualification/ Requirements تحصیلات و شرایط لازمه  

• Medical doctor or Midwife graduated from a recognized midwifery institute or university  

• Having attested documents 

• MD at least having 2 years of experience and midwife having 5 years’ experience in BPHS/EPHS particularly in RMNCH section 

• Strong knowledge/familiarity in the eastern region. 

• Experience in the provision of trainings. 

• Good knowledge of MNCH standards 

• Strong capacity of supervision, monitoring, communication.  

• Excellent knowledge of Pashto 

• Have the ability to write the visit reports in English. 

• Rigorous, Autonomous, Adaptable and Polyvalent. 

• Stress resistant. 

• Priority will give to the residency 

Note: A maximum of 20 Applicants/positions with most relevant qualifications will be shortlisted for the next step.  


Skills Required

Submission Guideline:

  • Dear candidates, 

  • To apply for this vacancy, please use the following link 




  • If the link above does not work by clicking on it, please copy and paste it in the browser address bar. 

  • Make sure to press submit at the end of the application. 

  • Note 

  • You are allowed to apply only before closing date 

  • Due to large number of applicants we are unable to provide individual feedback. 

  • Only short listed candidates whose application responds to the criteria will be contacted. 

  • Qualified Female candidate are highly encourage to apply. 

  • Academic certificates/diplomas. These will be requested if called for interview. 


Submission Email:

Apply Online
Job is expired

Company Overview

, Afghanistan

PU-AMI (known globally as Première Urgence Internationale, PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. PU-AMI’s teams are committed to support vulnerable communities and... Read More

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