وزارت ماليه وظیفۀ ترتیب و تطبيق بودجه، جمع آوری ماليه، تنظيم و کنترول مصارف و تاديات دولت و تنظيم امور گمرکی را به عهده دارد. ضرور است تا هر دولت از دخل و خرج خود با خبر باشد تا با معلومات دقيق امکانات مالی دست داشته خود را تنظيم و آنرا بطور مؤثر تخصيص دهد. مهمترين شرط موفقيت يک دولت، جلوگيری از کسر بودجه است. برای جلوگيری از کسر بودجه بايد تناسب عوايد و مصارف در نظر گرفته شود و در تنظيم امور انها تدابير جدی اتخاذ و اقدامات لازم صورت گيرد تا از يکسو جمع آوری عوايد افزايش يابد و از سوی ديگر از مصارف بيجا جلوگيری گردد. چنانکه مي دانيد بخش زياد بودجه ما از طريق کمک های بين المللی تمويل مي شود، وزارت ماليه توانسته است روز تا روز نفوذ خود را بر انسجام و تنظيم کمک های بين المللی برای افغانستان افزايش دهد و حد اکثر تلاش گردد تا جذب کمک های بين المللی از مجاری دولتی انجام گردد.
وزارت ماليه طی سال هاى گذشته تلاش نموده تا فعاليت ها واجراات امور مالی خود را طبق اصول و موازين بين المللی عيارسازد که برای تحقق اين هدف، ايجاد نيروی بشری، طرح و تطبيق پاليسی ها و اصلاحات لازم را عملی کرده است. برای ارتقای ظرفيت کارمندان وزارت و رفع مشکلات آنها تدابير لازم را اتخاذ و اجرا نمود. هدف وزارت ماليه اينست تا امور مالی کشور مبتنی بر اصول و موازين علمی اقتصادی تنظيم شود، افغانستان از ثبات، مصؤنيت و خود کفائی مالی برخوردار گردد و به اين ترتيب از بيت المال با حساب دهی و شفافيت کامل جهت رفع نيازمندی های مردم استفاده صورت گيرد.
در نهايت، وزارت ماليه قادر به اين خواهد بود تا حضور قوی خود را در تمام ساحات مالی داخلی اعمال نموده و اعتبار خود را طوری ازدياد بخشد که در داخل کشور اقتصاد متکی بر بازار آزاد و فعاليت های تشبثاتی را مورد حمايت قرار داده و در عرصه بين المللی، تمويل کنندگان و سرمايه گذاران خارجی را به اين مسئله مطمئن خواهد ساخت که افغانستان دارای اداره سالم اقتصادی بوده که در همه موارد فعاليت های وزارت ماليه ممد واقع می شود.
The Senior software developer will assist the Afghanistan Revenue Department (ARD) and provincial tax administration staff on existing systems (SIGTAS, TAIS, RMIS and e-filling), Enhance and customize the existing systems, development of new systems and achievement of IPBenchmarks and in implementing international standards of tax administration in accordance with the laws of Afghanistan, through a contract from the Ministry of Finance
The senior software developer will be framed by the following documents:
a: Existing SIGTAS user guides, dated 2009-2012.
b: Existing ASP.NET MVC and core applications, documentation and user guides.
c: Any other documents that will help the service to expand the background and understand better the local context.
Scope of work:
The national consultant will work in close collaboration with the sub-director for development; with his/her direct reports to that role (proposed sub-directorate under the proposed structure), She/he will liaise with the Director of Revenue Systems.
Direct Report to the proposed sub-Directorate.
Work under the supervision of the proposed sub-directorate.
Share the documents (FDD, TDD …), tasks status, Systems Backups and the source codes and any other official resources to the proposed sub-directorate after each update (at least once per week).
Tasks and Activities:
The authorities concerned will carry out the following tasks and activities but not necessarily restricted to those:
a: Using the open standards and open source frameworks for all RSD systems (SIGTAS, E-Filing, TAIS, RMIS and other services systems) to improve the systems, processes and productivity.
b: Being a part of the change management (release) process to develop and implement new applications and updates to existing applications.
c: Coordinating SIGTAS related activities for; development, systems, database and network administration and overseeing the implemented systems and applications.
d: Providing proactive and practical support to the operational and management teams of the ARD with an emphasis on the uptake of SIGTAS improvements including enhancements, troubleshooting, reporting, etc.
e: Plan and direct the work of other IT professionals, including system analysts, software developers, information security analysts, and support specialists.
f: Making recommendations to build new application for productivity and process simplification.
g: Review completed tasks to ascertain compliance with standards.
h: Monitor all software development team members and provide necessary advice and guidance.
i: Perform risk assessments and observe risk control strategies while developing software’s.
j: Work alongside other departments to achieve ARD’s goals and visions.
k: Write and provide regular reports to the management.
l: Perform regular appraisal of team member’s performance and devise strategies to help with improvement.
m: Supervising other IT national consultants and ARD employees in taking ownership of SIGTAS and implicate the necessary IT resources to support the TSD & STO staff and other concerned ARD directorates.
The service will draft reports describing main results and recommendations:
a: Draft a detailed and well-developed Technical Design Document (TDD) for the SIGTAS and other systems, based on business requirements (Functional Specifications), in accordance with the Digital Foundation Strategy for Afghanistan.
b: Draft a detailed list of customizations in the current system for enhancing the performance and business requirements of the day.
c: Draft a detailed list of system audit policies & checklists for both application and database levels for the current and the new system.
d: To support the ARD DBA team on database performance tuning and analysis plan with best practices for the new system.
e: Integration with NSIA for E-Tazkira and Paper-Tazkira, ACBR & Ministry of urban development and Land (MUDL) RMIS integration and Customization TAIS and its Integration with NPA and MOMP (through this integration ARD will import contract automatically and securely).
f: Implementing E-Payment of TSD and STO.
g: Finalizing Workflow Module, Customize E-Filing Attachments 5 type of documents for each period and E-Filing all withholding Excel uploads.
h: Developing RSD Systems Dashboard and Developing Individual E-Filing.
i: Application for Sending SMS and DB-Mail Configuration and implementation.
j: E-payment mandatory for LTO (Banking, Telecommunication and Aviation sectors) and available for optional use in MTO taxpayers.
k: SIGTAS customization, customize TIN online portal development for Enterprise taxpayer TIN issuance for and completing e-TCC integration with ACBR
The expert qualification is:
Qualified applicants are encouraged to submit their CVs ,no later than 09 June2024.
Please clearly indicate “position name & vacancy number” in the subject line of email.
Do not attach your education and working experience documents