The Agency for Rehabilitation Assistance & Development of Afghanistan - ARADA is a non- governmental, non-political, non-profit, humanitarian organization. ARADA was established by a group of profoundly experienced, professional, and dedicated development practitioners during dire refugee circumstances in Peshawar, Pakistan on the 1st of May, 1992. In Afghanistan, ARADA was officially registered in 2003 with the Ministry of Planning but in 2006 with the Ministry of Economy. ARADA has three decades of experience in emergency response projects as well as in development assistance and services to Afghan vulnerable people within Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The Area-Based Approach to Development Emergency Initiatives (ABADEI) is a flagship programme designed to bring UN agencies, international and national NGOs, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) together through a coherent approach and funding platform. This collaboration enables comprehensive programming, extensive geographic coverage, and results at scale. ABADEI focuses on meeting basic human needs and services through local markets, aiding local communities in rebuilding their lives and livelihoods, enhancing human security, and reducing the humanitarian caseload. Its interventions provide an integrated response to the socio-economic crisis through the provision of essential services, strengthening community livelihoods and local economic activities, building resilience to climate and disaster risks, and promoting community ownership, engagement, and social cohesion.
Under ABADEI, the WE-Act project supports a localized, integrated response to the socio-economic and cultural challenges faced by Afghan women. It empowers women in rural and urban areas through access to finance, entrepreneurship skills development, and business opportunities, thereby enhancing their economic agency and ability to contribute to community stability and local economic recovery.
The WE-Act: Infrastructure component focuses on constructing small community infrastructure to enhance the livelihoods and productive capacity of local communities, farmers, and businesses through labor-intensive public works and temporary employment generation. This will be achieved by conducting risk assessments, engaging with local communities, and developing strong partnerships at community, district, and provincial levels. The project involves the construction of 20 community infrastructure facilities in seven target provinces within five regions.